She is an avid facilitator, team-builder and stakeholder engagement specialist who has previously served in the capacity of Head of Training Programmes at Bridges Limited.
She has extensive experience across the corporate world where she has built technical skills that enable her to play various and multiple roles in her Executive role.
Her previous experience spans Senior Corporate Executive and Company Secretarial positions.
An eloquent and engaging public speaker and trainer, Janett is passionate about people and helping them to realise and release their full potential.
Janett is a Member and accredited facilitator of the Institute of Directors of Zambia (IODZ); She has certification from the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators [ICSA] (now known as Corporate Governance Institute [CGI-UK]).
She has served in parastatals, private and non-profit institutions.
She holds an ICSA Certificate in Business Practice, Diploma in Theology and Advanced Royal Society of Arts and Pitman’s (UK) Secretarial Certifications.