Frabina Mulenga - Training Officer
She has relevant experience in customer relations, administration, and event management.
She has also grown to acquire team building competencies with regards to training activities served by the Company.
Contact us : +260 97 7977577 | +260 97 6291077 | +260 95 0418406
Frabina Mulenga, Training Officer at Bridges Limited, holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations and development from Mulungushi University.
She has relevant experience in customer relations, administration, and event management.
She has also grown to acquire team building competencies with regards to training activities served by the Company.
Monday to Thursday: 08.00 hours - 17:00 hours
Friday: 08:00 hours - 14:00 hours
Weekends & Holidays: CLOSED!
Plot 1327, Kareeboom Avenue, Avondale, Lusaka
P.O. Box 310317, CH, Lusaka
Phone: +260 97 6291077
Email: info@bridges-limited.com